Signs of Burnout (& what to do about it)

In this episode of the Struggling Pastors Podcast, Thien discusses the causes and signs of burnout and gives advice on how to heal from it.

Burnout - What causes it?

Emotional exhaustion


Lack of accomplishment

Burnout - 10 Diagnostic Questions

1. Has your motivation has faded?

2. Do you feel more and more numb?

3. Are you increasingly avoiding people?

4. Do little things make you disproportionately angry?

5. Are you becoming more and more cynical?

6. Do you feel unproductive?

7. Are you self-medicating?

8. Have you lost your sense of humor?

9. Are you always tired?

10. Do you feel used and unappreciated?

How to HEAL your weary soul:

H = Honesty

E = Empathy

A = Abiding

L = Leaning on others

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